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带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )的英文

"带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )"怎么读


  • herpes zoster
  • "带"英文翻译    belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...
  • "状"英文翻译    form; shape
  • "泡"英文翻译    bubble
  • "疹"英文翻译    rash
  • "水"英文翻译    water
  • "痘"英文翻译    smallpox pox; smallpox pustu ...
  • "生"英文翻译    give birth to; bear
  • "蛇"英文翻译    snake; serpent; mole catcher
  • "单 纯 泡 疹 (泡疹一 型 , 唇 疮)" 英文翻译 :    herpes simplex
  • "痘" 英文翻译 :    1.(天花) smallpox2.(豆状疮疹) pox; smallpox pustule 水痘 chicken pox
  • "蛇" 英文翻译 :    蛇名词(爬行动物) snake; serpent; mole catcher 海蛇 marine snake; 多蛇的地方 a snaky place; 蛇药 antidote for snake-bites; 耍蛇的人 serpent-charmer; 蛇盘绕在树枝上。 the snake coiled itself round the branch. 蛇吞青蛙。 the snake got outside of a frog.
  • "疹" 英文翻译 :    名词(皮肤上起的小疙瘩) rash 风疹 german measles; 丘疹 papule; 荨麻疹 nettle rash
  • "泡" 英文翻译 :    泡Ⅰ名词1.(气泡) bubble 肥皂泡儿 soap bubbles; 冒泡儿 send up bubbles; rise in bubbles; 他用肥皂水吹泡。 he blows bubbles with soap water.2.(像泡一样的东西) sth. shaped like a bubble 电灯泡 electric light bulb; 手上起了泡 get [raise] blisters on one's palmⅡ动词1.(较长时间地放在液体中) steep; soak 把蔬菜泡在盐水里 steep vegetables in brine; 让衣服在肥皂水中泡几小时。 let the clothes soak for a few hours in soapy water. 她用开水泡茶。 she steeped the tea in boiling water.2.(故意消磨时间) dawdle; dillydally 别瞎泡了,快把工作做完! stop dawdling and finish your work!
  • "状" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(形状) form; shape 奇形怪状 of grotesque shapes; 凶恶之状 a ferocious manner2.(情况) state; condition; situation; circumstances 病状 out of condition; 现状 present state of affairs; status quo; 惨状 miserable condition; pitiful sight3.(陈述事件或记载事迹的文字) account; record 行状 a brief biographical sketch of deceased; 功状 an account of sb.'s meritorious service4.(指诉状) legal complaint; plaint 诉状 register a legal complaint; 告状 lodge a charge or complaint5.(褒奖、委任等文件) certificate; official document 奖状 certificate of commendation; 委任状 certificate of appointment; commissionⅡ动词(陈述或描摹) describe; narrate 自状其过 confess one's own mistakes; 不可名状 cannot be described; beyond description; indescribable
  • "生" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(生育; 生殖) give birth to; bear 生孩子 give birth to a child; 新生儿 newborn baby; 她妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。 his wife gave birth to twin girls. 她生了一个男孩。 she has borne a boy.2.(出生) be born 他生于一九五○年。 he was born in 1950. 我有一种再生之感。 i feel as if i had been born again.3.(生长) grow 生根 take root; 生芽 sprout; 新生力量 newly rising [emerging] forces; 合抱之树, 生于毫末。 great oaks from little acorns grow. 杂草丛生。 weeds grow rankly. 这些草药一般是野生的。 these herbs usually grow wild.4.(生存; 活) live; exist 起死回生 raise sb. from the dead; bring sb. back to life; 宁愿站着死, 不愿跪着生。 better die standing than live kneeling. 我就是复活与生命, 谁相信我, 虽死犹生。 i am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.5.(产生; 发生) get; have 惹是生非 provoke a dispute; stir up trouble; 生冻疮 get chilblains6.(使燃料燃烧) light (a fire) 生炉子 light a stove; 生起一堆篝火 light a bonfireⅡ名词1.(生命) life 丧生 lose one's life; be [get] killed; 舍生取义 lay down one's life for a just cause; 一生 all one's life; one's lifetime; 有生之年 the remaining years of one's life2.(生计) livelihood 谋生 earn one's livelihood; make a living; 以写作为生 make a livelihood by writing; 他们以畜牧业为生。 they depended on animal husbandry for their livelihood.3.(学生)pupil;student:男生 man [boy] student; schoolboy; 师生关系 teacher-student relations4.(旧时称读书人) scholar 儒生 confucian scholar; 书生 intellectual; scholar5.(戏曲角色, 扮演男子) the male character type in beijing opera, etc.6.(姓氏) a surname 生用和 sheng yongheⅢ形容词1.(有生命力的; 活的) living 生物 living things2.(果实没有成熟) unripe; green 生瓜 unripe watermelon; 生苹果 a green apple; 这些桃子还是生的。 the peaches are not ripe yet.3.(没有煮过或煮得不够的) raw; uncooked 吃生虾 eat shrimps raw; 生肉[鱼] raw meat [fish]; 黄瓜可以生吃。 cucumbers can be eaten raw.4.(未经加工或锻炼过的) unprocessed; unrefined; crude 生皮 rawhide; (untanned) hide; 生石灰 quicklime5.(生疏; 不熟练) unfamiliar; unacquainted; strange 人生地不熟 a stranger in a strange place; 生词 new word; 刚到这里, 工作很生。 i've only just come here. i'm still not familiar with the work. 这个小孩认生。 the child is shy with strangers.6.(生硬; 勉强) stiff; mechanical 生凑 mechanically put together (disconnected words and phrases); arbitrarily dish up (unrelated facts); 我们不能生搬别人的经验。 we cannot apply mechanically other people's experiences.Ⅳ副词(用在某些表示感情、感觉的词的前面) very 生恐 for fear that; 腿被桌子撞得生疼。 i bumped against a desk and felt very painful in my leg. 我生怕她知道。 i am very much afraid that she knows it.Ⅴ[后缀]1.(某些指人的名词后缀) 学生 student; pupil; 医生 doctor2.(某些副词的后缀) 好生 carefully; properly; 怎生 how
  • "水" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(由两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合而成的液体) water 淡 [软; 硬] 水 fresh [soft; hard] water; 海绵吸水。 a sponge absorbs water. 水含有氢和氧。 water contains hydrogen and oxygen.2.(河流) river 汉水 the han river3.(指江、河、湖、海、洋) a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.; water 水陆运输 land and water transportation; 水上人家 boat dwellers; 水平如镜。 the surface of the water is as smooth as a mirror.4.(水流) current 顺水 downstream; with the current; 我们的船逆水而行。 our ship stemmed on against the current.5.(稀的汁) a liquid 桔子水 orangeade; 墨水 ink6.(货币中银的含量) silver content in coins 贴水 discount for inferior coins7.(指附加的费用或额外的收入) extra charges or income 汇水 remittance fee; 外水 extra income8.(五行之一) water, one of the five elements9.(水族) the shui nationality, living mainly in guizhou10.(姓氏) a surname 水苏民 shui sumin
  • "a带" 英文翻译 :    a band; a-band
  • "t带" 英文翻译 :    t band
  • "带" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(窄而长的条状物) belt; girdle; ribbon; band; tape 磁带 (magnetic) tape; 领带 necktie; tie; 录音带 recording tape; 皮带 leather belt; 丝带 silk ribbon; 鞋带 shoelaces; shoestrings; 腰带 waist band2.(地带; 区域) zone; area; belt 寒带 frigid zone; 林带 forest belt; 沙漠地带 a desert region; 这一带最适宜种小麦。 this area is most suitable for growing wheat.3.(轮胎) tyre 自行车带 bicycle tyre4.[医学] (白带) leucorrhea; whites; leukorrhea5.(姓氏) a surname 带佗 dai tuoⅡ动词1.(随身拿着; 携带) take; bring; carry 别忘了带雨衣。 don't forget to take your raincoat along. 你随身带了什么? what did you bring with you? 请人带个话给她。 ask sb. to take her a message. 他口袋里总是带着一本小词典。 he always carries a small dictionary in his pocket. 我们不可带易燃品上船[车]。 we must not take combustible goods aboard.2.(捎带着做某事) do sth. incidentally 你出去请把门带上。 please pull the door to when you go out. 你在信上给 我带一笔, 问你父亲好。 remember me to your father in your letter. 上街时给带点茶叶来。 when you go out, get me some tea.3.(呈现; 含有) bear; have 带有时代的特点 bear the imprint of the times; 面带笑容 wear a smile; 一项带根本性的措施 a measure of fundamental importance; 说话别带刺儿。 don't be sarcastic. 这梨带点酸味。 this pear tastes a bit sour.4.(连带; 附着) having sth. attached; simultaneous 带叶的苹果 apples with their leaves on; 放牛带割草 cut grass while tending cattle; 连说带笑地走进来 enter laughing and talking; 玉米地里带着种 点黄豆 grow some soybeans in the maize field5.(引导; 领) lead; head 老师带着学生参观展览。 the teacher took the students to visit the exhibition. 他把他们带回到正道上来。 he led them back to the right way. 她把我带进[出]会客室。 she led me into [out of] the reception room.6.(带动) lead; bring along 以点带面 use the experience of one point to lead the whole area; 先进带后进。 the more advanced bring along the less advanced.7.(照料; 培养) look after; bring up; raise 带孩子 look after children; 他是由他奶奶带大的。 he was brought up by his grandmother.8.[方言] (加上; 算上) include; count 带你, 一共十个人。 there were ten people, including you
  • "蛇 (消歧)" 英文翻译 :    snake (disambiguation)
  • "疹, 疹病" 英文翻译 :    exanthema
  • "疹;疹病" 英文翻译 :    exanthema
  • "疹病,疹" 英文翻译 :    exanthemata
  • "痧,疹" 英文翻译 :    pestilent abdominal disorder
  • "泡,气泡" 英文翻译 :    bubble
带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )的英文翻译,带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 ),带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )的英文意思,帶 狀 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )的英文带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 ) meaning in English帶 狀 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )的英文带 状 泡 疹 (水 痘, 生 蛇 )怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。